Indian Document Compliance
Indian Document of Compliance is a certification issued to a company which complies with the requirement of the International Safety Management Code.
The Document of Compliance can be issued by the Administration, by an organization recognized by the Administration, or at the request of the Administration by another Contracting Government.
Fairway Barge Operators Pvt. Ltd., as a "Company" is currently holding Indian DOCUMENT OF COMPLIANCE issued by the Administration (Directorate General of Shipping, India) which certifies that the Safety Management System of the Company has been audited and that it complies with the requirement of the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) for "Other Cargo Ships"
In near future we look forward to comply with requirement of the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) for below mention ships
- Passenger Ship
- Passenger High Speed Craft
- Cargo High Speed Craft
- Bulk Carrier
- Oil Tanker
- Chemical Tanker
- Gas Carrier
- Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
- To achieve all the above we seek business opportunities from Shipping Corporate.